Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Valentine's Dinner

Valentines Dinner Fundraiser

Proceeds help cover costs of the WAWA State USA tournament and summer wrestling camps!

All kids should wear black/dark pants and a dressy shirt (button up or polo).  Kids should be at the fairgrounds at least 15 minutes before the serving time-4:45 or 6:15.  Make sure they have eaten or have had a snack.  There will not be time to eat during the dinner.  The kids will be handling food and drinks.  If they are sick (coughing or sneezing), please keep them home.

We need parents at each of these times:

Wednesday Feb. 13th-
6:00 p.m. for set up and decorating @ Fairgrounds

Thursday Feb. 14th-
3:30-Cooks, Plate prep, Dishes, Tableware, Drinks, Dessert table
4:45-Door & Ticket Collecting and Wrestler Guides
7:00-Clean up

Please have all ticket money and food count sheets turned in by Monday.  We need a count to order food.

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