Sunday, January 26, 2020

Chadron - January 31, 2020

This week:

Team shirts are in and will be handed out at practice.

Extra shirt orders will be sent in next Friday, Feb. 7th. Order forms will be handed out at practice.

Valentine's Day dinner tickets will be handed out this week. Count sheets, unsold tickets, and money need to be turned in by Feb. 10th so we can get the food ordered. If each wrestler can sell at least 2, that would be FANTASTIC!!  Check out the "Fundraising" tab for more information.

Tues- A group practice 6:00-7:30

Wed- B 6:00-7:00 practice & weigh for Chadron

Thurs- A 6:00-7:30 practice & weigh for Chadron

Fri- no practice. If you are going to wrestle at Chadron, please note the check in times on the flier.

Join Remind for updates, changes, and reminders! Please check the Practice Schedule for important changes for February!

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