Monday, January 31, 2022

Practices this tournament this weekend!

Group A practice- Tuesday 6:00-7:30

Group A practice- Thursday 6:00-7:30

Group B practice- Friday 5:00-6:00

NO tournament this weekend!  We will have Group B practice at 5:00 on Friday since the HS is practicing at 1:00.  Make sure you  check out the "Practice Schedule" tab for the February calendar!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Practice this week and Chadron on SATURDAY!

Group A practice- Tuesday 6:00-7:30

Group A practice- Thursday 6:00-7:30

Group B practice- Friday 5:00-6:00

This is the flier for the tournament on Saturday.  If you plan on attending, your wrestler must by weighed by Thursday at  practice.  The $20 fee per wrestler is due to the club at that time.  The online registration will be done by the club.  If you plan on attending and have not yet checked out a singlet and headgear, please let me know!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

This weeks practices and Moorcroft on Sunday!

Group A practice- Tuesday 6:00-7:30

Group A practice- Thursday 6:00-7:30

Group B practice- Friday 5:00-6:00

This is the flier for the tournament on Sunday.  If you plan on attending, your wrestler must by weighed by Thursday at  practice.  The $20 fee per wrestler is due to the club at that time.  The online registration will be done by the club.  If you plan on attending and have not yet checked out a singlet and headgear, please let me know!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Casper Tournament on Sunday

This is an updated flier for the tournament on Sunday.  If you plan on attending, your wrestler must by weighed by Thursday at  practice.  The $25 fee per wrestler is due to the club at that time.  The online registration will be done by the club.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

This Week 1/10-1/14

Practice this week: 

Tuesday for Group A from 6:00- 7:30

Thursday for Group A from 6:00- 7:30

Friday for Group B from 5:00- 6:00

If school is canceled, then practice is canceled!

Times for Group B may change depending on whether or not the high school wrestlers will be using the wrestling room.  Coaches will let you know and I will post those updates on the website, on Facebook, and on Remind.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Updates for this week...

Practice this week: 

Thursday for Group A from 6:00- 7:30

Friday for Group B from 5:00- 6:00

If school is canceled, then practice is canceled!

Times for Group B may change depending on whether or not the high school wrestlers will be using the wrestling room.  Coaches will let you know and I will post those updates on the website, on Facebook, and on Remind.