Sunday, February 28, 2021

Practice this week and Scottsbluff-March 13th

Practice is TUESDAY for "A" group 6-7:30

and WEDNESDAY for "B" group 6-7:00

There will not be practice THURSDAY or FRIDAY because of Spring Break!

Our next tournament will be in Scottsbluff on March 13th.  I would like to submit all registrations by Sunday, March 7th.  Fee is $20.  Please let me know THIS WEEK if you plan on going.  

I also need to submit a spectator list (2 per wrestler).  FACE MASKS are REQUIRED at this tournament.

If we haven't weighed your wrestler, we need to do that THIS WEEK as well!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

This Week

Practice is THURSDAY for "A" group

and FRIDAY for "B" group 

We are NOT moving practice this week.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


No tournament this weekend.  Next weekend is Crawford.  I am going to register kids on MONDAY and I will also need a list of spectators (2 per wrestler).    We will weigh tonight and tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Practice Time Change

We need to move "B" practice to Wednesday (tomorrow) from 6:00-7:00.  We don't have any coaches available on Friday. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Camel Kids-Gillette- Feb.13th

Please let me know if you plan on going to the Gillette tournament next weekend.  I would like to get our kids registered Monday evening.  I don't see a wrestler limit on the flier, but I want to make sure we can get them registered before they are sold out.  We can take care of the fee later.

In the event that the tournament is not approved,  the Camel Kids Wrestling club will refund all registrations. Check in is early on Saturday morning for some sessions.  If you plan on staying the night, they have some room rates at a couple of hotels, just let them know you are coming to town for the tournament and they will honor these prices.

 Ramada- $74 for double Queen and $69 for kings 

Country Inn & Suites- $70 double queen 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Bridgeport- February 7th, 2021

 If you paid for Chadron and replied to my text,  your registration fee will roll over to this tournament!  You can check Trackwrestling for brackets.  They are posted.