Registration and gear checkout is tentatively scheduled for TUESDAY, January 19th, 2021 from 6:00-7:00 @ LEMS Commons. NO PRACTICE this day! Registration fee is $60. Last day to register is January 31st. If your child is a first time Rawhide wrestler, you will need to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate.
At this time, we are allowed to use the HS wrestling room for practice, however, this is subject to change!
Only athletes & coaches will be allowed in the wrestling room due to health mandates.
Masks are REQUIRED while inside the high school at all times.
If possible, please drop off your child for practice, then come back to pick them up. If you need to remain in the upstairs lobby to wait, masks are REQUIRED!
Your child must be screened upon entering the building. Their temperature wiil be taken before each practice.
If you or your child are ill (fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc.), PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND practices!!!
Please be patient as we are trying to offer a fun and safe season for all of our wrestlers and coaches.
At this time, we do not have any tournaments scheduled.
Please check the "Club Information" and "Registration" tabs for paperwork and other important information.
Please follow our Facebook page and website for updates.